The Follow-Up "System" You've Been Missing.

Time blocking... Spreadsheets... Day planners... Your cheerful assistant.... Sticky notes....

Some complex CRM you never learned to use, anyway.....

Prayers...... Denial.......

No, this is not the way.

Easy & Entertaining* is the key to keeping your pipeline full, and it's possible only with VAVA.

* It's actually "Behavioral Science," but man does that sound boooring

"The fortune is in the follow-up," they said.

"Just make those calls, they're easy," they said.

So why don't you do it? Are you a bad person?


It's not your fault.

We're all human* so we're all quirky and irrational.

Blame human psychology.

*except VAVA robot coaches, who are non-emotional rational powerhouses

How VAVA Works

Even though it's jam-packed with valuable features, you won't be overwhelmed because it's very simple to use. Any types of calls you need to make are pre-ranked for you for one-tap dials and quick voice summaries delivered to your email, so you can get through your entire list while waiting for a coffee and driving to an appointment.

On-The-Go Productivity

  • Prioritized call queue on the go Use the downtime between meetings, in the car, waiting at the dentist, wherever — VAVA's prioritized call queue lets you stay productive no matter where you are.
  • Easy add call tasks Give your QR code to your assistant, spouse, whomever so they can add callbacks (or other tasks) for you. No more missed opportunities or forgotten follow-ups.
  • One-tap dials for easy action You're mobile and don't have time for a lot of navigating around through complicated applications or call reports. With VAVA's one-tap dials, taking action is a breeze.
  • AI-Enhanced Voice Summaries Say goodbye to manual effort and hello to improved record accuracy. VAVA automatically formats your voice call summaries using AI, so you can focus on what matters most.
  • Email Delivery of Call Summaries Every morning, your AI-cleaned call summaries arrive in your inbox, ready for follow-up actions and CRM integration. It's like having a personal assistant, without the extra cost.
  • Exceptionally detailed awesome reporting Track all the productivity you've made with VAVA's basic and useful reporting. It's so awesome, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Smart Queues

  • Callbacks that stack up throughout the day Throw away those sticky notes and legal pads, and never let another response fall through the cracks. VAVA's smart queues keep your callbacks organized and prioritized.
  • Annual Mortgage Review Upload your client list once, and let VAVA do the rest. Our system schedules daily check-ins throughout the year, making annual reviews manageable and automated. It's like magic, but for mortgages.
  • Integrated Alert Prioritization Real-time alerts from MonitorBase are placed at the top of your queue for immediate access. With VAVA, you'll never miss critical updates while mobile. It's like having a personal assistant, but better.
  • Referral Partner Touchpoints Keeping your network engagement consistent and effortless is a breeze with VAVA. Automatically schedule calls with referral partners based on your preferred frequency, and watch your relationships flourish.

Elite Accountability Coaching

  • Personalized Virtual Coaching Select from a diverse range of virtual robot coaches, each providing tailored encouragement and actionable advice based on best practices in the mortgage industry. It's like having a personal cheerleader, but for your career.
  • Multichannel Coach Communication Maintain engagement through regular motivational messages from your coach via voicemail, email, and SMS. VAVA's designed to strengthen your daily calling habits, one message at a time.
  • Data-Driven Performance Insights Leverage detailed analytics on your calling activities, allowing personalized coaching adjustments and strategies to enhance your performance. It's like having a personal trainer, but for your sales skills.
  • Quantitative Monitoring-Based Coaching Experience customized coaching that adjusts dynamically based on your activity metrics. With VAVA, you'll enjoy continuous improvement and effective habit formation, without the guesswork.

How To Get Started

Don't Overthink It.

That's what got you in trouble in the first place.


Should I be insulted by my "robot" coach Blake's snarky tone? Sometimes it seems patronizing. But it's also very entertaining, and I do make the phone calls, so go figure...

— Karim S.

Do not leave without activating.